Russia's responsibility for war crimes: who will judge russia for the war in Ukraine?
Russia's crimes will be punished. Ukraine is actively working in the legal field to convict Russia of being a terrorist state as a result of the war and compensate Ukraine for its losses. russian war criminals, from the very top, will receive a real sentence.
In general, crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine will be considered by such institutions:

International Court of Justice
It is the Member States that are being held accountable. The decision of this court will officially define Russia as the violator of international law. And this will create conditions for Russia to pay reparations to Ukraine for the damage caused.

On March 7, the International Court of Justice began holding public hearings in the case concerning Allegations of Genocide committed by russia.
On March 16, the UN tribunal ordered Russia to cease hostilities immediately
Now, as part of further consideration, Ukraine must submit a memorandum to the The International Court of Justice outlining all the circumstances and violations by Russia. It must be submitted by September 23.

In particular, on April 28, the PACE adopted a resolution calling on the UN General Assembly to "request an advisory opinion from the UN International Court of Justice on possible restrictions on the veto power of permanent members of the UN Security Council." If this decision is made, it will mean depriving Russia of its veto power, which it actively uses in the Security Council to block any reaction to its aggression against Ukraine.

This institution will ensure the investigation, collection of evidence and identification of perpetrators.

On May 9, Ukraine requested a special extraordinary session of the UN Human Rights Council to discuss Russia's war crimes in the occupied Ukrainian territories, including Mariupol.

The document provides for a special investigation by the Commission of Inquiry into Ukraine into violations and crimes resulting from the Russian occupation of the currently liberated territories and a report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the critical humanitarian situation and serious human rights violations in Mariupol.
This document is important for ensuring the responsibility of those guilty of serious human rights violations and war crimes during the Russian aggression against our state.
International Criminal Court

In March, the court launched a formal investigation into the case against russia at the request of more than 40 states (this is an unprecedented number).
The case against Russia is currently in the second stage - gathering evidence and conducting an investigation.
Ukraine became the first country in the world where a prosecutor from the International Criminal Court arrived to record war crimes before the end of the conflict.

russian soldiers committed each of the four international crimes, including the crime of genocide. It is important that some countries at the parliamentary level have identified the actions of russian troops in Ukraine as genocide. In particular, among them are Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Canada and others.
These crimes are horrific and have no statute of limitations. Therefore, a person who commits one of these crimes will be prosecuted for life and may be arrested in all states whose laws provide for liability for international crimes. Responsibility for such crimes can range from several years to life imprisonment, depending on the severity.

The joint investigation team includes Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland and Eurojust, which includes 27 EU member states and 10 other states.
Each of the states has its own national investigation into russia's aggression in Ukraine. The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has also launched a full-fledged independent investigation.
Establishment of a special tribunal
The most effective and fastest tool to bring to justice Putin, the russian military leaders and the sponsors of the war is to create a special international military tribunal in the practice of the Nuremberg Trials.

The text and draft of the declaration were created by a group of leading Ukrainian and British international lawyers. It has been signed by a number of international experts, from lawyers specializing in international law to former judges of international courts. The special tribunal must ensure the prompt investigation of all crimes and the inevitability of punishment.

The PACE was the first organization to add this to the resolution. Therefore, for Ukrainian international lawyers, this will be a good basis for further negotiations. The resolution also mentioned confiscating the money of people who were under sanctions in favor of Ukraine.

Ukrainian judicial institutions
The largest number of lawsuits should take place at the national level.
The servicemen of the russian federation, in respect of whom there are no data on their committing war crimes, are prisoners of war and are subject to placement in appropriate POW camps. At the same time, the actions of Russian servicemen who still committed war crimes are qualified under Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Violation of the laws and customs of war".

All criminals will be punished!
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