Ukraine joins the EU Fiscalis programme for cooperation in the field of taxation

The programme is primarily aimed at supporting tax authorities to improve the functioning of the internal market and promote competitiveness and fair competition in the EU.
📍 Among the objectives of the programme is the protection of the financial and economic interests of the EU and its member states, including the protection of these interests against tax fraud, tax evasion, and the improvement of tax collection and administration.
✅ What are the benefits for Ukraine?
Participation in Fiscalis will improve partnership relations between tax administrations of Ukraine and EU member countries. This will be an impetus for mutual exchange of experience and best practices, strengthening of the institutional capacity of fiscal bodies. Ukraine will have the opportunity to use modern European IT systems in the field of taxation. Cooperation within Fiscalis will allow creating powerful European-style tax authorities. Such a decision also has strategic importance: joining the programme is the implementation of the necessary requirements that bring us closer to EU membership.
Programme activities:
▪️ development and operation of common components of European electronic systems
▪️ common work between tax administrations, between administrations and the Commission, and with other partners, through seminars, working meetings, project groups, study/working visits, etc.
▪️ training and education activities at the EU level (e-learning modules, e-books, training courses, educational videos)
▪️ innovative activity - implementation and verification of concepts, pilot projects, initiatives to create prototypes
For the period 2021-2027, the budget of the programme is €269 million.
More about Fiscalis on official page: