What are the prospects for the development of agricultural and food business in the context of the integration of Ukraine into the EU?
The monitoring report "Food security and food safety during and after the war" was published recently, providing up-to-date information on the state of food security in thecountry, as well as guidelines for the restoration of production activities and accelerated integration into European and world markets. The report will be useful for state authorities and civil society of Ukraine, EU structures, other countries, international partners, donors and investors. It is completely based on information provided by stakeholders - members of the specialized expert environment and business representatives from 13 regions of Ukraine.
The report covers a number of topics:

The monitoring report was prepared by the NGO "Analytical Center of the Agrarian Union of Ukraine" within the framework of the project "Supporting the activities of the UNP EaP in 2021-2023", which is implemented by the Institute of Economic Research and Political Consultations with the financial support of the European Union