Three Seas Initiative: the Baltic Pipe, which will supply gas from Norway to the region, was opened in Poland

Through the Baltic Pipe, Poland and neighboring countries will be supplied with gas from the Norwegian shelf in the North Sea. The pipeline will have a length of 900 km and a capacity of 10 billion cubic meters.
This is a very important geopolitical step that allows Poland to become completely independent from russian gas. A wonderful example for other countries that are still dependent on russia's energy.
👉 The start of deliveries is scheduled for October 1 this year, and the gas pipeline is expected to start working at full capacity in December.
💬 According to Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, with the opening of the Baltic Pipe, the era of russian dominance in the energy sector ends and a new era of Poland's energy security begins.
📌 Baltic Pipe will replace the russian gas pipeline "Yamal-Europe", which used to supply up to half of all gas for Polish consumers. In April 2022, Warsaw refused to pay for russian gas in rubles, and immediately after that, Gazprom stopped supplies. So in May, Poland prematurely terminated the agreement on the supply of gas from russia (it had been in effect since 1993). Therefore, starting from 2023, Poland will no longer buy gas from russia.
Congratulations to our neighbors on such an important step!