On June 14th the 24th Steering Group meeting was held under EUSDR Priority Area 9 engaging representatives of state authorities of the EUSDR countries in the field of education, social policy and employment.
The meeting was also attended by the representatives of European Commission, EU structural funds, the Danube Regional Programme, ETF - European Training Foundation and Danube Youth Council. Ukraine was represented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and Ukrainian Institute for International Politics.
Participants discussed updates on education and labour market developments and opportunities for cooperation in the EUSDR countries. The discussion also included the projects and future events planned within Priority Area 9 with special attention to the activities and opportunities within European Year of Skills 2023.
Ukrainian Institute for International Politics works closely with the coordinator of Priority Area 9 in Ukraine - the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which, together with the ministries of Austria and Moldova, co-coordinates Priority Area 9 from 2020.